wordnet trans
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How to run the Trans wizard/assistant/druid ?
java -jar wordnet-trans-wizard-xxx.jar
How to run the command-line Trans ?
java -jar wordnet-trans-xxx.jar <properties-file>
What does the <property file > contain ?
input | DESERIALIZE | READ | provide the parameters below accordingly (read*,deserialize*) |
output | SERIALIZE | WRITE | DUMP | provide the parameters below accordingly (write*,serialize*) |
deserialize.archive | url of serialized wordnet | wordnet30.zip http://wnsql.sf.net/wordnet30.zip jar:file:wordnet-trans-1.0.0.jar!/wordnet30.zip |
serialize.archive | file path to serialized wordnet archive | wordnet30.zip wordnet30.zip |
read/write.dbtype | database type [needed if either
read/write.url | [mandatory] | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/wordnet30b jdbc:postgresql://localhost/wordnet30b jdbc:hsqldb:file:wordnet30.hdb/wordnet30;shutdown=true jdbc:sqlite:wordnet30.sqlite jdbc:derby:wordnet30.derby;create=true |
read/write.catalog | [optional] databases for which it makes sense | wordnet30 |
read/write.schema | [optional] databases for which it makes sense] | public |
read/write.user | user | SA wnuser |
read/write.password | password | *** |
read/write.driver.jar | path to JDBC driver [optional] defaults to the latest driver | <path>/mysql-connector-java-5.1.10.jar <path>/postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc4.jar <path>/hsqldb- <path>/sqlite-jdbc- <path>/derby- |
read/write.driver.class | JDBC driver class [optional] defaults to the standard class | com.mysql.jdbc.Driver org.postgresql.Driver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver org.sqlite.JDBC org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver |
read/write.dialect | Hibernate dialect [optional] defaults to preset dialect | org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLBinDialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLMyISAMDialect org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect org.hibernate.dialect.DerbyDialect2 |
What's the point of the TransWizard ?
Not having to write the properties file. A wordnet-trans.properties file is written to the current directory and a Trans process is launched.
How to handle the JDBC drivers ?
Downloading the appropriate driver is handled by Maven. The driver is managed transparently and added to the Classpath when the Trans process is launched in a separate JVM.
How is the Trans process launched ?
Through Ant.